What is PCOS?

A hormone imbalance is PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). Many people think of cysts because they are in the name. However, it’s not all about cysts. In fact, they are the hormones required for the body to develop follicles into eggs. If you are, low on specific hormones or don’t have any, your body can’t do this. Hormones communicate with the brain.

As an egg develops, estradiol rises to tell the brain it’s time for ovulation. If this estradiol is low, or even at high levels all the time, then the brain is not sure what it needs to do. This means you may not be able to ovulate, and if you do, it may be before an egg develops. If developed eggs are not released, they can cause cysts. One thing to keep in mind is that not all women have cysts.

Signs seen by a Wellness Way affiliate in Charlotte NC

Many folks still think estrogen is just one hormone when it is actually a general term for many different hormones. There are many misconceptions surrounding hormones since doctor’s only test hormones, which have a medication to “fix them.

Therefore, if you have these symptoms, make sure you are getting a full test. Hormone imbalance tests are a good idea. In addition, your local Wellness Way affiliate will follow their mantra. “We don’t guess… We test.”

Signs include the following:

  • Continual feelings of fatigue
  • Unexpected hair growth on different body parts
  • Periods can be irregular or missing altogether
  • Periods can be very heavy
  • You increase in weight
  • You can suffer from acne
  • You feel depressed or anxious
  • You get the cysts or you suffer from infertility

What causes hormonal imbalance and PCOS?

A local clinic such as Staten Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Charlotte NC see many women come through their doors with the above symptoms. When they go through the many testing procedures, they find the main causes for these are:

Mental Stress – this is the number one factor for hormones are out of control.

Birth control pills – these are huge endocrine disruptors. These work by disrupting hormones, but they lead to many problems.

Other endocrine disruptors – these chemicals mess around with the endocrine system and come from many areas. While the majority are manmade, there are also natural products such as soy-based products that can cause these imbalances.

Inflammation – this can come from allergies or eaten foods that are known to cause chronic inflammation. This is another area where a Wellness Way practitioner will do full testing.

Do you have symptoms of PCOS, hormone imbalance and live in Charlotte NC?

Tests are the number one way to control hormone health and of course, you have to be sure, you are being tested correctly. There are no reasons any woman should suffer with the symptoms of PCOS. To be sure, you can contact Staten Chiropractic and Wellness Center (We Don’t Guess… We Test,”) to undergo all the proper tests that will show where your body is lacking.

Once you have these results, they can come up with a personal plan to help you overcome these symptoms and your hormone imbalance.