How can I have a fatty liver if I don’t drink?

A Wellness Way affiliate will run through a series of tests and examinations to get to the root cause of your liver problems. The liver does need as much care and attention as other bodily organs, although it is often overlooked.

If you feel fatigued, have a loss of appetite, abdominal pain, gas, constipation or any of the many other symptoms, and then you may need to see a Wellness Way practitioner. Read below for more information on NAFLD and what you can do to help your liver.

A Wellness Way affiliate in Charlotte NC will explain your livers function.

Your liver is the largest of all your internal organs and a number of bad things can happen if your liver isn’t doing the things it’s supposed to do. Around 30-40% of adults in the USA have NAFLD. If you have a fatty liver, it’s failing to do the job it’s designed to do, and it may be damaging to your health unknowingly.

The liver flushes harmful toxins, like alcohol and medications, out of your blood. Our bodies are faced with all kinds of toxins in our food, clothes, toiletries, the environment, and our places of work. The liver makes bile to digest fats and help digestion. It makes blood clotting agents, stores energy, vitamins and minerals.

The liver will also store fat, which is one of its functions. However, when it stores too much fat, it turns into a fatty liver.

The growing problem of NAFLD

Fatty livers can cause inflammation, cirrhosis, scarring like alcoholic livers. This can result in the necessity of a liver transplant.

Doctors aside from any Wellness Way affiliate see this as more and more people end up on liver transplant lists. The primary risk factors are being overweight and type 2 diabetes.

This liver problem is due to the fact we see a high incidence of overweight and obese Americans. Over 70% of adults over the age of 20 years are overweight or obese, with the number of obese children tripling since the 70s.

Since there are no medications to cure NAFLD, a new approach to this problem is necessary. This is where a Wellness Way affiliate such as Staten Chiropractic and Wellness Center in Charlotte NC can help.

Liver tests in Charlotte NC

A Wellness Way affiliate follows the strict principles of “We Don’t Guess… We Test.” This means they won’t prescribe anything until they know the root cause of any symptom. They will lead any patient through all the natural ways they can help themselves. This will comprise being tested with a full liver panel.

Other things to help are adding bitters to your diet, eliminating carbs and sugars and switching to a healthier diet. Eating healthier fats and more exercise.

If you feel you have nowhere else to turn, you can contact the Staten Chiropractic and Wellness Center for a consultation. From here, you will be in the best care possible. The last thing any clinic visitor wants is to become another NAFLD statistic.