How does inflammation affect my health?

Inflammation in the purest form is the way the body handles stress. This isn’t nervous stress, because it can come from everywhere. Diet, the environment and infections to name just a few. When you have inflammation short-term, this can be a good thing, but too much and it can have severe consequences.

If you know or are, wondering if you have inflammation, read on and you can see how it will affect all areas of your life and health.

What is inflammation?

White blood cells are always on the lookout for invading foreign particles in the form of microorganisms. In many cases, these are antigens and come from bacterial toxins, chemicals and viruses. As soon as they detect these invaders, they begin carrying out their attack strategy.

Antibodies go into production, which will directly attack these antigens. Other proteins are activated to help in the fight and to stop the infection from spreading further around the body. When this happens in the short-term, it is called acute inflammation.

If this fails to solve the problem, it changes into chronic inflammation. Here there is an injury that has continual attempts by the body to cure it; however, there is no resolution so the problem gets worse. This can mean you end up at your doctors in Charlotte NC; however, these will only treat the symptoms and not get to the route cause.

How can I minimize inflammation?

Lots of stress, poor eating habits, environmental toxicity, a severe lack of sleep and exercise contribute to low levels of chronic inflammation. These can remain undetected where they develop over the years. When this happens, this is the time you see the beginnings of chronic disease. Many doctors in Charlotte NC are unable to treat anything more than a symptom.

You can do many things reduce the risk of this happening. Eating correctly is the best place to start.  Maintaining a healthy weight, and avoiding foods, which contain trans fats, excess salt, added sugars and many other things such as preservatives.

Eating Healthy in Charlotte NC

You can alternatively fill your meal times with foods that contain nutrients, which fight inflammation.  Antioxidants such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, curcumin, turmeric and cinnamon. There are also compounds in garlic, onions and Omega-3 fatty acids, which all help this fight.

Plant based proteins are vital for the body to maintain its fight against these antigens. You also need checking what may be causing your inflammation. Doctors guess, so rather than seeing these, there is the alternative approach where the doctors never make any assumptions.

“We Don’t Guess, We Test,” and with this in mind, getting to the root cause will be better for your health.

Who is the best person to see in Charlotte NC?

It may seem your doctor is the best person to treat your symptoms, however, there will be little testing, and they will prescribe something before finding out what the cause is.

The Staten Chiropractic and Wellness Center is a Wellness Way Affiliate, and all their services are geared toward treating the root cause instead of merely treating symptoms. If you are struggling with inflammation, they are waiting for your call.